
August 2, 2013 § Leave a comment

I love….

the way Stefano says cookie … “cook-hee”.

Leonardo’s fuzzy stand-up hair when I first lift him up from a nap on his back.

Dante’s laugh.

that Stefano is starting to learn his colors.

how sharp the memory of a three year old is.

when Dante sings country songs to himself.

when Stefano sings country songs to himself.

when Leonardo smiles up at me while he’s nursing.

the way Stefano says “nummy” when he’s about to eat something he likes.

Leonardo’s brand new laugh.

when Dante tells me about all the kids at nursery on Sunday afternoons.

how all of a sudden Stefano is TALKING.

how Dante gives Leonardo his binky so gently when he’s crying.

when Dante tells me “you’re a princess mommy, spin around”.

watching my boys wrestle with their dad.

little newborn sneezes.

how strong Leonardo is, already.

Stefano’s laugh.

when I catch my kids playing nicely together.

secret cookie dates with Stefano in the kitchen.

little sneakers and sandals scattered throughout the house.

finding toys in low kitchen cabinets because someone thought it would be fun to play in there.

seeing Leonardo smile for his brothers.

sleep time kisses.

wake up snuggles.

the way Stefano runs – head first, shoulders up!

little sweatpants that look like jeans.

when Dante asks for his audio Bible stories instead of the radio.

reading Eric Carle and Mercer Mayer books 15 times a day.





my boys.

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