
June 4, 2014 § Leave a comment

So about 4 more weeks to go. Hopefully no more than that. I think this past week may have been the tipping point in my pregnancy… I crossed the line to the dark side where everything is just hard and tiresome and I want to be done. I JUST emailed a friend about how time was just flying by and about how I hadn’t reached the “I want to die” stage yet. Boo

I think getting back on a good eating track would help tremendously. It seems as if every other day for the past SEVERAL weeks there has been some special gathering with all the kinds of food I don’t want to eat or the boys have come home from grammy’s laden with treats or we go to dinner at a family or friends house and burgers and dogs… and other cookout-related food are being served and I have been in a cray cray food slump. I’ll tell ya I was feeling GOOD and losing weight and now I’m finding it hard to make the right decisions again. Today I ate a bag – an entire bag – of goldfish crackers instead of taking the time to cut up veggies and fruit and make a smoothie and I hate how I feel.

*Dramatic Sigh*…… sooo my body seems double depleted of nutrition and now on top of that it seems as though the pin has popped on this bird.

That being said it still feels like time is flying by. I’ve done this 3 times, now, and my delivery day is going to creep right up on me and then whadayaknow I’ll be in labor and simultaneously thinking about 1) how much pain I’m in 2) the silver lining that is the baby trying to come out of me 3) how thankful I am that the day has finally come 4) how I wish I could have one more day of regular pregnancy pain instead of this torture.

So  there. I’m not complaining. Just putting it out there. I’m tired and achy.

But I’m so thankful for the arrival of summer!!!



It makes such a difference to be able to get outside. I didn’t feel as though I had a very long or stuffy winter indoors but now it’s like….. “how soon can we get out of this house?!”

We enjoyed our first visit to a park a few days ago. It was enjoyable because we and our group of friends were the only ones there. Going to the park was fun when we had one, and alright when we had two, but between trying to keep three kids in my sights – because you better believe that Leonardo wants to follow his brothers’ lead – AND making sure that none of the other kids on the playground are getting too friendly (or not) and pulling on Dante’s prosthesis, I’m quite content to play in our own backyard, thank you very much!

There’s another thing I’m  thankful for: a big backyard! We’ve even got a fancy swing set going up – thanks mom, dad, and nana! Even without the outdoor toys, the boys really enjoy digging and climbing and picking things up and putting things down and finding creep crawlies. Seriously Dante just picks up LIVE spiders like it’s okay.

They need baths every day before nap time. Little boys covered in dirt + water = stinky. The smell is close to that of a wet dog. But oh do they take a good nap!

So I will do my best to enjoy and make it through the month of June with style and grace. I AM carrying a precious gift around as it happens!

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